02 December 2006

where have i been?

Not here, clearly. Long lost update. I'm settling into things at the school. It's amazing to feel stable after feeling like my ship was caught up in the Bermuda Triangle of "I'm totally not ready for this." Turns out there was just a learning curve to be dealt with over many, many days.

Things are settling and I'm getting to do curriculum that I am interested in, and I'm engaging the kiddos in new and exciting ways. I've really gotten to know most of my little ones and it's great to really see their personalities emerge as I get to know them and they get to know me.

I left work on Friday, walking up the avenue, feeling on top of the world. "I love my job," I got to say to myself with a giant smile.

Sure, there are challenges, there are plenty of things I can do better. But, I'm doing it, I CAN do it!

Now that I've got my confidence built back up, I can focus more on making this blog something meaningful and useful, rather than a vent-fest. I'm anticipating making some big changes over the holiday break with updates. Maintaining amonymity is really important because I want the option of "discussing" specific interactions with kids, so I have to see if I can still manage that while trying to honestly share the curriculum and themes that I focus on.
