06 July 2008

three year journey

Having a record of my thinking and self-development over the past three years is a beautiful and meaningful gift to myself.

I am a thinker at the core, and it's easy for me to get carried away by the progress of ideas. Seeing the development of my own ideas and confidence is incredible. It's so easy to forget how ideas change and grow. It's so easy to think that no arriving at a conclusion has required little effort.

Montessori Journey. Just typing that reminds me the power of these ideas.

The practice and promise of Montessori ignite me at the very core of my being. These ideas have introduced me to the concept of spirit in a way I didn't know was possible three years prior.

"Doing Montessori" has truly been a journey of self-discovery, as much as an exploration of methodology and a career.

I am humbled to live out the ideals of John Dewey, that life and experience are one, as the quote at the bottom of the blog explains. Three years ago, I made a decision based on my intellectual training to PRACTICE Montessori. I can look back now with great appreciate for the wisdom of the Dewey way, for my training as an undergraduate to value experience over mere inquiry.

Now, my internal critic is anxious to point out that this decision has led to no fame, no glory and (though more realistically attainable) no graduate level degrees.

However, this journey has awoken in my heart a truer understanding of what it means to give love. It has awoken in my heart and my head the meaning of spirit and the connection between my spirit and that which is divine and what connects us all on this planet. I have been inspired by the writing of Maria Montessori to seek out spirit and connection in my own life that three years ago seemed impossible.

So. Three years later. No fame, no fortune, no MBA/JD/M.Ed/ABD on a Ph.D.

"Just" an awakening of true self-awareness and a desire (and some tools) to deeply connect with the world.

I suppose I'll have to live with that. Good thing I'm interested in living joyfully these days. :)


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