30 September 2005

reformatted for my enjoyment

Oh, my. Turns out road trips are not so relaxing.

Too busy planning out of control itinerary to take corn pictures or cow pictures. Some cool pictures of tollbooths and paper coffee cups, though. And this nifty tractor in Iowa. (see below)

This maestra is taking a siesta from direct child minding to work in the exciting world of selling children's literature. A nice detour, even though it does include daily contact with the Adventures of Mary Kate and Ashley chapter books.

It is a new perspective to see parents engaged in education outside of a school setting. I've got a window into how parents educate their kids outside of school and how they negotiate school assigned reading.

I will have a lot more to say about that and the attitudes of my customers in the coming weeks I hope. And a promise I will write this stuff beforehand instead of dictating into my voice recognition software. Oh, and I might even explain what is up with the voice-recognition business.

I'm back!


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